
Xiong's experience

Every winter, hunters come into the Runescape Gold when hunting bear, Teddy bear always managed to escape, so Teddy has become a forest of "celebrity." Many of the Teddy Bear came to seek and how hunters can escape the killing. Teddy smiled to all of us: "You all know that here in accordance with the hunting habits, every winter, hunters are always used to take several dogs, our first time out from the tree Runescape GP, and then attack on all fronts, Step by step to narrow the encirclement ... but ... you have heard of which was the first bear hunting dogs bite things? " We thought, was discovered in the forest bears are captured by hunters, which heard the first bear had Pigouyaoshang. They did not dare to bite dogs and bears, because they are not rivals Bear! Bear hunting dogs are only surrounded by bark, the purpose is to scare bears Mongolia to lose its direction and ultimately fall into the trap - this is the bear hunters were hunting a mysterious host. Teddy Bear told the public: "We managed to escape is the secret: First of all, not to be Xia Yun, because there is no man who would dare to stop a bear, and we need to do is to make his hibernation from the lethargy of the state to wake up, and then the direction of Bianqing , Continue to run all the way. "
